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Series of fire box protector
The series of table edges and corners protection
Protection around the flower bed and the hand washing table
Corner Guards (silicone fixing)
Corner Guards (screw fixing)
Car-Parking Corner Guards
Wall Pad
Safety playing tools in playing zone
PU flowerpot
Test Report
Paint labour union color ticket
Mold Introduction - New Catalogue
The Straightening and Training office
  ●Good weathering-resistance and tear-resistance, good elasticity of PU, convenient and quick construction.
●It is widely used in the protection of the post corner in the parking lot and it can reduce the accidents of the head injury.
Yingge Elementary School
  ●On the hallway, sometimes students or teachers will get hurt because of the bumping on the sharp corner, so we can install the adhesive protection stripe to reduce injury.
●You can match the similar color or the conspicuous color for the protection stripe according to the color of the wall (post).
Ziqiang Kindergarten
  ●The varicolored combination add a vivid sense in the children playing territory, as well as give a more thoughtful protection for children.
●Dont worry the children will get hurt by bumping on the wall after the wall protection panel is installed in the children playing rooms and the classrooms. The varicolored combination can enhance the childrens cognition to colors. That is beautiful and much safer.
Dafu Elementary School
  ●The match the color with the wall post and the protection stripe can protect the children virtually and avoid the injury when the children play around the stairs corners or on the hallways.
●Good weathering-resistance and tear-resistance, good elasticity of PU, convenient and quick construction.
Minan Elementary School
  ●Injury may be caused due to the frolic or improper jostling when the children go into the classroom. The installation of protection stripe can reduce the injury and enhance the activity safety for the school children.
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