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Series of fire box protector
The series of table edges and corners protection
Protection around the flower bed and the hand washing table
Corner Guards (silicone fixing)
Corner Guards (screw fixing)
Car-Parking Corner Guards
Wall Pad
Safety playing tools in playing zone
PU flowerpot
Test Report
Paint labour union color ticket
Mold Introduction - New Catalogue
Boai Elementary School
●On the hallway, sometimes students or teachers will get hurt because of the bumping on the sharp corner, so we can install the adhesive protection stripe to reduce injury.
●Adhere the corner protector to the easy- collided places such as the hallway corner, hand washing table, which can reduce the injury and enhance the activity safety for the school children.
●Fixed on the wall post, this screw protection stripe can cushion the impact injury and advance the safety for children in school.
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